Our Mission

We like to think we are progressive and are always trying to challenge the traditional systems around us. Here is a quick snapshot into our ethos and what steps we promote to create an ethical and sustainable hemp fibre industry.


Hemp fabrics as we know are some of the most ecological materials currently on the market. It is important that we recognise each hemp product supply chain. We want producers to transparent about where their hemp is grown, the conditions of the soil in which it lives in and the ways in which it has been processed. 

We believe most manufactures should source their hemp locally, in an area close to their production site within their country of making. Now a days we see brands ship goods around the world, allowing each part of the production to happen in different countries to keep the costs low. Yet this is having a huge impact on the amount of carbon emissions used to transport goods around.

    Currently there is a no existing hemp textile industry based here in UK as there is no processing facility centre which can soften fibres for woven material. We are seeing a small amount of farmers starting to grow hemp fibre around the UK where craft makers are using cottage textile industry equipment to process it, often by hand. The biggest hemp fibre farm is East Yorkshire Hemp who are supplying local companies to produce hemp mattresses, animal bedding, packaging, fire logs and building materials. This is a good start and hopefully a space for industry development as the demand for natural products grow.


    As hemp contains some of the strongest fibres, we can increase the life span and longevity of products which allows consumers to get the most use out of them. This supports the growing movement of reusing, renting and recycling products as consumers are becoming more aware of reducing waste entering landfill.

    Textile Exchange report on global fibres shows the need for more natural fibre growth (2019)


    We are always inspiring individuals in our creative and educational communities. This includes the following projects:

    • The creator of Hemp Textile Masterclasses, teaching online via zoom.
    • Subject Tutor for Oxford Summer Courses teaching Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship.
    • Speaker on a TedX Talk panel discussion for the sustainable Countdown campaign.
    • Exhibited sustainable collection at Freedome launched at House of Lords.
    • Guest speaker at Barclays Eagle Labs and Brighton University to share circular design story and design practice. 
    • Keynote speaker to inspire university students on how to start their own eco-business at Santander Ideas Competition. 
    • Engagement Coordinator at The Central Hub, working with disengaged students to help them fulfil their full potential. 

    Read the blog to learn more about how we are leading change within the hemp and fashion world.


    We are doing our best to promote a low carbon footprint industry. Hemp can absorb four times as much carbon dioxide than the average plant. Therefore, our products promote carbon neutrality as we see more plants going into the ground match the growing demand for a sustainable textile industry.


    Did you know that 63% of garments made today are created with synthetic fibres? These fibres are becoming a part of the plastic pollution as they take many years to break down. It is important we move towards a plant-based life cycle where we see all products having the capabilities to biodegrade and compost safely into the land.

    Most of our products are 100% biodegradable as they are made completely with natural fibres and coloured with natural dyes. Other productions are made with recycled plastic to encourage a closed loop system for the textile production.

    Photo by Darwis Alwan on Pexels

    “It's surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that  provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.”

    - Sir David Attenborough -